Monday, July 21, 2008

Words of Wisdom

This is an excerpt taken from in an interview they had with Buckeey from Flavor of Love Season 2. These girls never cease to amaze me. This statement is actually quite comical.

Former Flavor of Love Season 2 and Charm School standout Buckeey has broken her silence about her leaked sex tape, which was distributed throughout the internet in June. In an exclusive interview, Buckeey, real name Shay Johnson, is steadfast in stating the tape’s distribution was done without her permission, and she had no intention of using it for publicity as some have claimed. “It troubled me to find out my intimate act of love was classified as a sex tape. I didn’t speak on it because I knew how tender the situation was between me and my partner,” Buckeey revealed to “Once you become a personality on television you become the target of haters and I am no different, the release of the tape was done by a hater, stolen by a hater and is just another blatant case of b**chassness.”

What on earth? I would expect this kind of foolishness from Bootz, but come on Buckey. Was this really worth making a statement? And most importantly if its on video its not an intimate act of love. Its low down and dirty grass sandwich making.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Crying Game

A friend of The Shiznit told me the other day that we should highlight HIV/AIDS on the site. He was really taken aback by the newest statistics. I on the other hand, was of the mind that it couldn't happen because we are strictly comedy and positivity here at the Shiz. However due to an incident on Friday, I felt that maybe it was in our calling to shed light on this subject. "God is trying to tell you something!" (Color Purple Moment) Sex is a very touchy topic, in which I usually don't like to swim in those waters. Who am I to judge? However when people start getting careless, you have to step up to the plate. I won't throw out any names to protect the innocent and or guilty party. But I will say some people's parents didn't raise them like that!

Despite all of that, I am of the mind that no one on this earth can afford to cheat. Cheating is a thing of the past. Clarification: if you are single and sleeping with more than one person that is sexual cheating (you are endangering people, including yourself, who are unsuspecting). I don't care if you are single, and are getting offers from all the Beyonce's and/or Morris Chestnut's out there. Underneath all that skin we all look like the Crypt Keeper, but weather you can keep that hidden depends on you playing it safe. Claim the life you were born to live and do not settle. Especially if you live in or near the Nations Capitol or another Metropolitan area with high cases of HIV/AIDS, you should already know this. Take control of your yearnings people, that is unless you have a death wish. There are so many people in this city (and others) who are being swallowed alive by all the hype. Sure we have some of the best Sexual Chocolate you have ever seen, but don't be fooled. Everything that glitters ain't gold plated copper! You might think you are biting into a chocolate with nuts and caramel inside, but it might be one of those nasty Cherry Cordials (that I hate by the way). Oh trust and believe you don't want the cherry cordial.

Young people we are not taking this epidemic serious enough. We walk around like we were given a lifetime supply of Viagara, that we have to use before the end of days. If you are going to do it be sure to wrap it up. Try keeping your flock down to one lamb! I know there is that saying that Men aren't meant to be with one woman, but have you met the sicko in the hospital, with a mysterious case of pneumonia that came up with that? Believe me he would love to resend that statement, but he can't talk because of that pneumonia we discussed earlier. Women if you are out there living up to that same mentality as if you are the HBIC, I have a gift certificate for you to seek psychiatric help. We are killing off the human race, one day at a time. I suggest we start giving the gift of life to ourselves and our partners. Be affected!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Back Again

Lisa Curran is back at it with more lovely looks before summer exits the building. If you think these dresses are beautiful, you will love the fact that they are both on sale at Lisa Curran's website. Now tell me you don't like a sale, and I will introduce you to the person who doesn't like Coming to America. Good luck pulling that off! These pieces are not the only thing on sale on Curran's website, I just happen to love yellow this summer.. There's an array of items that I will be purchasing, so you better hope there is more left when I get through. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Top Ten Tuesday: Sit Down

There are a lot of semi-stars in Hollywood whose light doesn't shine as bright as they have been mislead think. Just because you get an invite to an Award show, or gain access to your own reality show, it does not make you A-List in the minds of the American Public. Hence the list:

Top 10 C List stars who think they are A List Stars.

How to know if you are a C-list star? Well its really complicated, perhaps not. If no one is interested in you, your C list. Haven't had an acting gig and not by choice, your C-list. If you can't get a date with a regular Joe, your C list. If you are hanging on to the proverbial nuts of an A list star, your C list. I see more light at the end of the Tunnel for Keyshia Coles mother Frankie and her sister Neffy, than any of the folks listed below. Either ya got it or ya don't.

10. Tracy Bingham- OK so she was on Bay Watch, and she has a black version of Pamela Anderson's body, but who the hell cares. Every time I see here I just turn the channel. She looks so old in the face, her body is disproportionate, and that weave. Lord have mercy the weave! The weave is really what took her down. Then to top it off she is about as dumb as an oyster.
9. Kenya Moore- (In my best Dr. Evil Voice) Right!!!!!! There is only room for one Miss America in Hollywood and her first name begins with a V and last name ends with a W. Doesn't sound like the answer will be Kenya Moore. She is holding on

8. Aaron and Nick Carter- These brother's are the lamest. One dated Lindsey Lohan and Hillary Duff, while the other was a member of eons ago chart topping boy band Backstreet Boys. Yet neither of these blond b*tches could find super stardom in their twisted life. Aaron had the nerve to try a singing career with a song where he was rapping with a fake Jamaican accent. Then in the song he called himself a Dondada. What! That's as retarded as Heidi going back to Spencer on MTV's The Hills. Nick on the other hand is an alcoholic plain and simple. My theory is once trailer trash always trailer trash. Maybe they could publish a recipe book of Trailer Trash Recipes. Mayonnaise sandwiches anyone?
7. Nick Cannon- He could have married Beyonce and he still would be one of the biggest pickle head C Lister in the industry. I am convinced that there is nothing that can be done to up his status. Now mind you he has definitely done B List work, yet his persona can't catch up with his talent or lack there of. I loved drumline just as much as the next man, but lets face it we just don't like him. I try, but......I can't! Then there was that time he dumped Christina Milian like he was above her. In my opinion he was never worthy of a good clean disney channel girl like herself. Always running around proposing to people. He must have an endorsement from the Cubic Zirconia East Indies Company. How Mariah could stoop so low is beyond me. All I can say is she picked up where Whitney left off.
6. Christina Milian- I didnt want to put her on this list because she is from the DMV. However I had to do it. I had hoped that she would have graduated out of this spectrum, but instead the Hollywood Monopoly game would not allow her to pass go! She tried everything possible to assure herself a slot in the A list crowd. It just couldnt be done. She's cute, but as entertaining as a pet rock.
5. Corey Clark- Most of the contestants of American Idol could go on this list, but there just isnt enough room. I don't know how he came in so low on the list. He really should have won the coveted number one spot. He was doomed to be on this list from the moment he stepped on American Idol. First and foremost everyone is nut cut out for cornrows. Second why is he still wearing cornrows. Third don't try to tarnish the image of Paula Abdul (that was done years ago, its too late). Last but not least, you are an American Idol reject. Fake ass Maxwell. The voice was never there. I don't know what extraterrestrial being was calling in and voting for him. All I know is there couldn't have been a human with good hearing calling in to keep him on the show. I just know it. Then to hold on to his 15 minutes with a death defying Kung Fu grip he attempts to write a tell all book. The only thing is no publishing company would pick it up. When you can't sell gossip, you are an F Lister and your career is null and void. He might as well go and work for the trash and sanitation because that's about how much the world cares about him.

4. Janice Combs- Puffy's Mama is in denial. Just because you dress like an 80 year old Lil Kim does not mean you have star potential. Most mama's try to take on the classy role when their child fall's into the big time. Oh no not this hood rat. She stuck to her ghetto roots. Blond hair (very reminiscent of a Shih-tzu), too small clothes, and multicolored contacts. Recipe for disaster!
3. Ray J- It would have been so easy to put him in the number one spot, but its too predictable. Not to mention he has a semi-hit on his hand. Lets see if he can follow it up. NOT! No matter how you look at it he is still just Brandy's brother. Its a sad fate that many of Hollywood siblings face. However I feel no pity for him because its his own fault that he is a C Lister. He tries to hard. Either you got it or you don't. And I'm no Norwood family hater, because I honestly love Brandy (although as Moesha I wanted to punch her in the shoulder).

2. Marques Houston- Sure he was at the top of his game back when he was 10, but its a new day. The only thing people know him for is that big light bulb head and horrible fashion sense. Oh and lest we forget he is Omarion's big "Play" brother. Thank goodness for O, or else he wouldn't have his C list status. Quite frankly O is hanging on to his A list status by the skin of his teeth. Right now he is about an A- borderline B! So Marques if I were you I would get up with Aaron Hall and invest in a line caps for big headed people. There may be light and money at the end of the tunnel for you, with yo big head self!

1. Laurie Anne Gibson- This is definitely a train wreck waiting to happen. Although I have to give her props for standing up to his royal highness, Diddy! Lord knows we have all wanted to tell him off. However she ain't the only choreographer in the game as she would like to think. That slot has already been filled by Fatima Robinson, who stole it from Rosie Perez! Anywho, with a voice as irritating as that she will never see the light of day of an A List star. Shut up and go dance.