Well folks I know it has been a while, but if you get a monthly cycle you know what the repercussions may be. Hence my extended leave of absence. As I have had much needed time off from the daily grind of my thoughts I have come up with a stream of new ideas for the blog. My first idea is going to come to you today in the form of Top Ten Tuesday. I will come up with a list of 10 things that I feel should be discussed for Tuesday. Today's top 10 list are the most powerful black Actors. I would cast any of the following actors any day before the lackluster talent we have out there now. Alright, play that funky music White boy!
10. Gary Coleman- Arnold from Different Strokes. He always delivered his lines with such power and conviction. When he would say his signature line "What you talking bout Willis?" You could see the fire and desire in his eyes because he had such a passion for acting. Only a real actor could be 24 and pull off the roll of an 8 year old for 8 seasons! Name one actor who could pull that off today, and don't you even think about saying Mini-Me. He doesn't have half the pizazz of Arnold.
9. Haywood Nelson- Dwayne from what's happening was a permanent fixture in the windmills of my mine. This brother was fine and classy. He had a haircut like the Count from Sesame Street which can only be described as a Man Symmetric. It was so sharp and pointy at the corners of the cut, almost like a Hypotenuse Triangle. He was always dressed in a form fitting tee, bell bottom jeans, and the latest kicks. Recipe for a Hollywood Heartthrob. Hotness!!!!!!
8. Demond Wilson- Lamont from Sanford and Son. He wore a mean jean suit on every episode. I wish a lot of the young brothers today in Hollywood would wear more suits like this. I used to love when this brother said "Pop" every other word on the show! No one knows how to say Pop better than Demond Wilson. I am willing to bet his children call him Pop. As a matter of fact I think he patented and copyrighted the word! On Sanford and Son he was so cool that he had a friend named Rollo! Now lets sit back and examine this situation. Only a world class actor can convince studio execs that there should be a friend on the show named ROLLO! I have to say I have never met one Rollo in my lifetime, so that would make this brother an innovator. We need more like him in this industry.
7. Emmanuel Lewis- Webster from the hit show Webster. I don't know anyone else who has the name Webster, so he gets a shout out for that alone. He was the cutest little Sea Otter on television. Webster's giggle was classic and has not been remastered by anyone in Hollywood.
6. T.C. Carson- Otherwise known as the Oh so debonair Kyle Barker. This brother was clearly gay and he wasn't ashamed to tell the world. He wasn't going to change for no one. Not even for his role as a strait man on Living Single. This brother has integrity. He would walk around the set insulting his co-host Erica Alexander, who played his hated love interest, all while managing to swing his Fry Guy Dread Locks, show off his man ring, and show of his full lips which where moistened to perfection courtesy of M.A.C.'s lip glass. Carson also managed to sing a few ditty's on the show. I think they should make a compilation CD of his music from the show and call it Honey Roasted Jazz!
5. Bryton McLure- The showstopping Little Richie from Family Matters. First little Richie starts off as a peazy head baby with brown skin. Then in true Michael Jackson fashion he turns into a ghostly light, curly haired, albino. This little Michael Jackson imitator had his own built in Jheri Curl from the time he was 4, little shiny clothes, and moves that could compete with Whitney Houston. This is definitely one of my favorite childhood stars.
4. Gary LeRoi Gray- The mute baby known as Nelson Tibideux, on the Cosby Show stomped into the hearts of black America. He was the better half of the twin grandchildren of Claire and Heathcliff Huxtable. He was so talented he didn't even have to speak for his first couple of years on the show. He just sat in his playpen and gazed up into the sparkling eyes of his cast mates. As a baby he was able to play nice and share with his on-screen twin Winnie for hours on end while filming. How many young starlets do you know could have pulled that off? I don't like to play nice as an adult. Kudos to Gary LeRoi Gray
3. Bumper Robinson- This former child star has been in a plethora of films and television shows including Amen, A Different World, and the Jefferson's. I am still waiting for him to get that starring role that I know is out there waiting for him.
2. Curtis Baldwin- I believe you know him as Calvin from 227. His hair was always sharp. Whether it be the German chocolate color, the stylish shag with S-Curl Juices, or the slim fit acid wash jeans with troop tennis shoes. With a look like this they could have easily filled him in as a seventh member of New Edition. He is probably remembered most for his signature line "Ah come on Brenda!" He was often seen being slapped in the back of his head by his on-screen grandmother Pearl. As an actor he took those slaps like a pro. I am hoping his career can be resurrected in a Tyler Perry Film (he's worked magic for others).
1. Ben Powers- He played the stellar role of Keith Anderson (Thelma's Husband) on Good Times. He wins the number one slot solely on the episode where he slaps the soul out of Thelma and she wakes up with strait hair. He is just lucky James Evans wasn't still alive, because that kind of foolishness would have never gone down in James "Flared Nostrils" Evans house. However unbeknownst to the viewer Thelma had been hiding a little bit of James Evans-esque traits in her all those years. She hauled off and slapped him back and Keith gave her the most powerful hug given on TV to date. Another powerful moment for Ben on the show is when his character Keith's wounded knee is miraculously healed and he gets signed to the Chicago Bears. This was such an uplifting moment for black America as he moved the family from one apartment to another apartment across town. Sometimes I sit and wonder what that other apartment would have looked like if the show had been on another season.
"T.C. Carson" No say it isn't so!!!
Yes girl,
he is definitely honeyroasted!
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