I have to be frank in saying I am so sick of these two and all the hype surrounding them. I declare we need a new it couple and NO, not Rihanna and Chris Brown (that was just too predictable). Jayonce' stop with all the privacy BS. Everyone is buzzing around like lifeless little peons wondering if they got married. Well I have a few words for them "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN, BAMMA'S!" Truth be told I don't think they got married. She has been toying with us nosy gossip mongers and I am sick, sick, sick, sick of her sh*t. She kind of has that fake hate for the Paparazzi that Brittany Spears does. Yet every time I look that Godawful weave is floating across the screen about to smother Jay every step of the way. So now the young/old couple (she is young but dresses old, he is old but dresses young) want to play around with notions of a wedding. I frankly think they were just having a fancy dinner party and if that's the case I am about ready to give both of them a roundhouse kick to the face. If she really wants to keep people interested perhaps she should get a life changing hair cut. Oops too late Rihanna and Kelis beat you to it. Its like that nappy, peazy, outdated puffball is a security blanket. Now I don't want you thinking I have anything against wigs or weaves, its just time for her to let it go. Now back to these nuptials which are disgusting me.
First of all every woman I know would slap the doo-doo out of their man if they denied being married, why should she be any different. Secondly it doesn't matter whether you are married or not, Your Gonna Break Up. That's the nature of the beast in Hollywood. All the great ones have done it, Bruce and Demi, Elvis and Priscilla, and even the best one yet Bobby and Whitney have called it quits. So they might as well share all intimate details now because its all going to come out when you break up and decide on a tell all book. Thirdly they could get a little more spending change if they sold the rights to their wedding pics. Don't try to put on a front now like it's not about the money. Please Jay-Z+Beyonce= Oprah! You do the math. After this whole fiasco I can do without seeing them for a couple of month's.
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