I have to be honest in saying I had to do a double take. A quick flash of Chuck Brown appeared in my peripheral view. Then I doubled back and said wait, Chuck done lost a lot of weight. He was looking ultra slim, but his Jheri Curl and hat was still in tact. Then a revelation came to me that this was not the Godfather of Go-Go, but an imitator. If you are from DC your will be able to spot out a hometown impostor. I took a closer glance and it was none other than the West Coast's own Snoop Dogg with tiny spiral curls. He was attending the Country Music Awards. Why? I don't know! These Hollywood folks are really getting bored. I doubt he knew one song that was nominated. But back to him and his Chuck Brown look. I quite frankly don't know why anyone would want to walk around looking like Chuck Brown. I mean we let Chuck slide because he's been doing it for so many years and because he's a hometown hero. However that doesn't mean we want fans to follow his fashion mishaps. You don't see anyone walking around DC dressed like this. Do Ya? I am proud to say that I never had a Jheri Curl or a Gold Tooth. However, I've been told I do a mean Run Joe! But I digress, Jesus take the Wheel!
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