Friday, December 5, 2008

Little Drummer Boy

Merry Christmas Black People, they incarcerated The Juice. That's right now close your mouth, Cause you cold busted! And no I am not talking about Oran Juice Jones, its Orenthal James. Barack Obama has won the presidency, and the man (white people) is not having any more of our shiznit! You know their first impulse was to run up on him and do a Rambo, pull out the Jimmy and flat blast him! But instead they chilled. That's right chilled!They are starting with OJ, but they are about to mop the floor with our arses. Now don't get me wrong, I believe OJ did it, like the next man, but I can think of at least 200,000 former slave owners who never did any time for beating, raping, killing, torturing, black folks for years. They are going to see to it that he suffers, and that we don't see his face in 2023. That release date is going to come up with not so much as a peep from his former in laws. Why? Because he'll be long gone by that time.

Rodney King, I know you are on that MTV drug show to improve your life, but run brotha. You next! Don't go lookin' in that closet 'cause everything you came here with is packed up and waiting for you in the guest room. So until then. You gotta get on outta here with that alley-cat-coat-wearing, hushpuppy-shoe-wearing crumbcake I saw you with. Cause you dismissed!

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