Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Vote has been Baracked!

One half of the Shiznit has voted so far. Mme. Editor-in-Chief, went out at 6:42am with her seed and her younger brother. As some of the Shiznit's fans know, all of the above people are crazy and hilarious. We must have had the whole voting line about to pee on themselves from laughing. When we arrived at Oxon Hill Elementary (O-Hill Represent), the line was wrapped around to the back of the school. We had no choice but to get the jokes started and get a gym credit for hiking to the back of the school. As we are standing in line we have seen black folks from every walk of life come out. I know some of the men haven't come up out of their mama's basement in almost 20 years. It was so good to see Bubba N'dem, Man Man the pusher man, and Nikki the Ho of Babylon resurface!

The highlight of the voting was definitely supporting the first time voters. Who knew that they would be the laughing stock, simply because they were a FTV? So as I approached the line I ran into a girl from High School, who shall remain nameless, because I had no idea she was a first time voter. You know I always thought us Catholic School kids were so progressive, but I guess not. So she is in front of me and she goes up to get her card, and the people up front shout out, to the audience of about 300 black folks + kids, and says "We have another first time voter, lets cheer them on and give them a round of applause!" I die, literally. Once I come to, I picked my convulsing body up off the ground, wiped the tears from my eyes, and stopped laughing, I was able to cheer my fellow alumni on! But as I cheered, I thought to myself this was the same girl who was progressive enough to have not 1 but 2 babies while in High School, but this is her first time voting. But better late than never, is what we always say at the Shiznit, and she came out right on time for Barack! She probably voted for slots too, but that is a different can of worms for another day! Happy voting everyone.

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