Gluttony Envy Pride Greed Sloth Wrath Lust
As you can tell from today's topic someone who works for the Shiznit has started to enter the house of the Lord. To God be the glory! Is this a conspiracy of the Catholic Church to condemn all of our souls to eternal damnation. Here at the Shiznit we commit all of these sins on at least a weekly if not daily basis. Lets examine these sins, shall we?
Gluttony- The over indulging or over consumption of anything. Down with Thanksgiving Dinner you negligible gluttons. I have seen these gluttons walking around and they disgust me, with all of their over spending and over eating. Oh wait, that's my second plate of food. I thought they were talking about the ones with the 4th and 5th plates. My bad. I will just try and have one from now on. Oh these, I got these shoes like 4 years ago, I wear these old things all the time. I might give them to some unfortunate soul if I get a hole in the bottom. You get the point people.
Envy- Is definitely one of the worst sins on the list. The desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Haters beware, the lord hath his eye on you and he heard what you said about Michelle Obama's dress! But we have an even bigger issue people! Beyonce's new CD is coming out tomorrow and its guaranteed to be a lot of envious people on the sidelines, us included. Sure we will purchase the CD, but you already know how we do at the Shiznit. The world is doomed to die in the biggest flame of fire you will ever see! And we ain't talking about the California wild fires. No the lord holds a special place in his heart for lady B, which is why she is at the top, and the envious ones are at the bottom. But on the real I am going to need her to ease up off of the Ballads when she makes her fourth album "I was always a solo artist, with backup dancers!"
Pride- This can be tricky for my peeps because since the day we were born we were told to have pride and hold our head up,like Martin Luther King! Get back Lucifer, I rebuke you! Pride is the excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individuals recognition of the grace of God. I am starting to believe that life after Hollywood, ain't all that great. There's a lot of pride in that town. Kanye, you are going to have to do a little more than sing Jesus Walks!
Greed- You people thought the state of California was burning because of some mad arsoner! No that's just his majesty beaming down through extra hot sun rays reminding all of those millionaires to donate to us little folks sometimes. Thank you Lord!
Sloth- Flat out laziness. I would love to take the fall for this, but I blame America. They have made everything available to all of the Slothful Americans, legals, and illegals alike. We've been backed into a dark hollow corner of laziness. Especially DJ Anthology who hasn't written a blog posting in a couple of months now! Its real dark and lonely at the bottom Anthology!
Wrath- I don't know how to avoid wrath, but to relocate to some super friendly backwoods peninsula around 36 longitude, and 175 latitude, such as Happytown, Canada! If you live in a major city the fact is no matter how fly you are, how much money you make, and if your significant other has the best pimp juice in town, you are a doomed S. O. B. You are the meanest futhermuckers ever. Feel the wrath on Judgement day biatch!
Lust- Obsessive thoughts of sexual desires. Its safe to say that Mme. Editor in Chief is a regular luster. As a matter of fact she was lusting so much recently that the lord just went on ahead and blessed her with a lil sum'n sum'n to curve her appetite, so that she might enter into the kingdom of heaven. And we are not talking about a slice of pie, this was more like Banana's Foster. I'm guessing its safe to say that maybe there is space for Mme. Editor in Chief to blog eternally in the pits of darkness.