A friend of The Shiznit told me the other day that we should highlight HIV/AIDS on the site. He was really taken aback by the newest statistics. I on the other hand, was of the mind that it couldn't happen because we are strictly comedy and positivity here at the Shiz. However due to an incident on Friday, I felt that maybe it was in our calling to shed light on this subject. "God is trying to tell you something!" (Color Purple Moment) Sex is a very touchy topic, in which I usually don't like to swim in those waters. Who am I to judge? However when people start getting careless, you have to step up to the plate. I won't throw out any names to protect the innocent and or guilty party. But I will say some people's parents didn't raise them like that!
Despite all of that, I am of the mind that no one on this earth can afford to cheat. Cheating is a thing of the past. Clarification: if you are single and sleeping with more than one person that is sexual cheating (you are endangering people, including yourself, who are unsuspecting). I don't care if you are single, and are getting offers from all the Beyonce's and/or Morris Chestnut's out there. Underneath all that skin we all look like the Crypt Keeper, but weather you can keep that hidden depends on you playing it safe. Claim the life you were born to live and do not settle. Especially if you live in or near the Nations Capitol or another Metropolitan area with high cases of HIV/AIDS, you should already know this. Take control of your yearnings people, that is unless you have a death wish. There are so many people in this city (and others) who are being swallowed alive by all the hype. Sure we have some of the best Sexual Chocolate you have ever seen, but don't be fooled. Everything that glitters ain't gold plated copper! You might think you are biting into a chocolate with nuts and caramel inside, but it might be one of those nasty Cherry Cordials (that I hate by the way). Oh trust and believe you don't want the cherry cordial.
Young people we are not taking this epidemic serious enough. We walk around like we were given a lifetime supply of Viagara, that we have to use before the end of days. If you are going to do it be sure to wrap it up. Try keeping your flock down to one lamb! I know there is that saying that Men aren't meant to be with one woman, but have you met the sicko in the hospital, with a mysterious case of pneumonia that came up with that? Believe me he would love to resend that statement, but he can't talk because of that pneumonia we discussed earlier. Women if you are out there living up to that same mentality as if you are the HBIC, I have a gift certificate for you to seek psychiatric help. We are killing off the human race, one day at a time. I suggest we start giving the gift of life to ourselves and our partners. Be affected!
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