There comes a point when its time to let go of cornrows. It is my personal opinion that no man should have them anymore. Just imagine my disgust every time I revert back to that R. Kelly video when you could see his cornrows with nappy a$$ baby hair surrounding it. When you go to court and the artist has to draw you with cornrows, its not a good look. Not only is this laughable piece of art shown on every news station across the nation. It makes it real hard for the jury to find you not guilty (unless you are R. Kelly, but that's another can of worms for another day). In about two more years the same will apply to locks (because the integrity has been taken from this style).
How do you know when its time to give them up?
When you enter the work force its time to let it go. There is nothing worse than a brother sporting Thug business casual. This look has never been in style. As a matter of fact this look never made it to the red carpet, well I take that back, but still wrong none the less. It makes you look like you work for Cutco Industries, selling knives door to door.
If you never get any hang time, let it go. You were not among the follicular blessed. If your stylist Ja-Rule's you then its time to let her go. Now think about the statement I just made. There are key words to let you know its time for a change. Stylist- No man should be going to a stylist. Real men go to Barbers and if its your barber that is braiding your hair.......Say no more. That's a conversation for a whole different day and time, Sweetness. On to the next keyword Ja-Rule you! I know you are saying what does it mean to be Ja-Ruled. Its when your cornrows are so short they stop just above your neck line, think back to Ja-Rule at the height of his career. No one wants to be Ja-Ruled. Its so embarrassing. And believe me some people will never make it beyond that point. I vote that you just run and turn on the first pair of clippers you can find and mow it down.
You are over 25, let it go. I am sure your love life is not going right and its because of those damned braids that you insist on holding on to. Your to old to have a security blanket, cut that mess off. Not that those who are 24 and under don't have to get rid of this look, but at 25 you should know better.
The color gray and cornrows never looked good together. And believe me this applies for men and women. I have seen plenty of grandmothers with silver rows and a Kente Cloth outfit. Its a travesty. But on a grown man its even worse. When you have gray hair, you have entered into your golden years. It should be a celebratory time. But who can celebrate when you are damned near about to blind everybody with those Brillo pad cornrows.
Picture it: You walk up on a brother from behind with a head full of braids. He turns around and you cant see where the braids begin. Its definitely time to let it go. There is nothing attractive about receding cornrows. You can't be Chris Weber and Allen Iverson at the same time. Pick one, and believe me if your receding, the Chris Weber look wins hands down.
People who have to be cited (hope your not on it).
R. Kelly- He should have dropped these the moment he was accused of pissing on people. The look didnt do anything for his court sexy.
Brian (from Day 26)- If you are going to be in a fake new edition at least look the part. I'm guessing his character is the Ricky Bell of the group. You don't see Ricky Bell walking around with cornrows (well you don't even see him walking around doing anything, but once again another topic for a different day).
Omarion- Okay O! Enough is enough. We let you slide by for years with those baby hair tresses. You short and gaining weight. No one likes to see a short chunky guy with braids. Just doesn't look right. Kinda like Kelly Rowland as a solo artist. Not a good idea.
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