Ok don't you think its time for Hills to bow down! Gracefully. Barack kung-fu'd her a$$ in NC! She is really trying to ride this thing out til the end! Why can't she let Barack shine, if not for himself, for his people. Now don't get me wrong if there is a sudden Series of Unfortunate Events (i.e. a Barack sex tape, a "the b*tch set me up moment, or an attack of lunacy) then I will support Hills! But since none of the above have come to fruition, I want her to do one thing! Bow down Biatch, and kiss Baracks converse. Its just like in the old days, they dont want us to have nothing! I mean black people need Barack to even the playing field. Well I take that back, I dont know if him being El Presidente will even the playing field. However I do think it will give black people across the country the same feeling that we DC natives have. Which is, WE RUN THIS B*TCH! We outnumber all the other races in our locale, so we dont have to put up with their bs as the rest of the country does! I wish a gang member would roll up on Man Man from the fiff flo' while he is chillin in front of his stablishment'! Or some trailer trash would look down their nose at us. You'll get your little pale a$$ tossed up!
Hands down it is definitely time for a change. And if one more person (who is not black) ask me if I am voting for Barack because he is black I am going to go off. What do you want me to say, because I am going to tell you the same thing I told all the other's Uhhhhhhh......... Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh! That is what you guys did for the last 43 retards that you elected. Why should I play fair? The only way I would have been confused about my vote is if Hillary was a Native American name Grazing Moose! And I know what some of you are saying "I have seen pics over the internet of Hillary and Mme. Editor in Chief". I say to you in my best cheating boyfriend who's been caught voice "Why you got to bring up the past?"
Anywho, Barack for president!
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