Monday, January 19, 2009

Dr. King tried to love somebody

I know you remember it like it was yesterday, a bunch of predictable has been's (Fat Boys, Stacy Lattisaw, James "JT" Taylor, etc.) with a few stars (Whitney Houston, Stephanie Mills) sprinkled here and there came together in honor of Dr. King and made a music video. May not seem special now, but back then the music video was pretty new on the scene and who better to Honor than Dr. King.

Now I know the man was much bigger than this video but there are a few things I need to point out:

The Fat Boys sweatsuits. I don't know what is more disturbing the fact that someone I know looks like Buffy (the Beatbox dude), or that they were really passing off the one size fits all sweat suits.

Whitney Houston's matching sweater and turban set. I mean who besides Whitney could match those items up with a lovely winter white and Merlot print.

New Edition rapping instead of singing. Where were they going with this? This wasn't Kings dream. Nope, I've heard it, didn't mention it not once.

Manudo: Who decided that they should be in this video? Maybe this was the little black boys and girls hanging out with little white boys and white girls element Dr. King was talking about in his speech! He said let freedom ring from various locations in the US, but not once did I hear him say Puerto Rico! Oh well.

Stephanie Mills and JT Taylor singing into each others bedroom eyes. Did these two get the memo that this wasn't your usual 80's ballad video, we are singing about peace, freedom, civil rights, and........Dr. King. Why are you gazing gazelle's looking off into the sunset? Huh?

I always wondered why Stacy Lattisaw's career never took off. But now I know, she had the voice of an angel, but the personality of an oyster.

Teena Marie was always down. She has had our backs over the years. Does she even like her own race? I don't recall her ever reaching out to them. Oh well lets take one for the team. The King team that is.

Dexter King in a music video period is just disturbing. Where were the other King kids? I am sure Yolanda would have had a more profound part in all of this.

Dr. King thanks for all you have done, except influence a bunch of mismatched fools to come together in your honor and create a low budget video. Everybody sing for Martin Luther King!